Description : This Training Program is to introduce the Basic Fundamentals
of the golf swing to the Golf Beginner .
簡 介 : 介紹基本高球知識及揮桿技巧給初學者
課程內容Course Description
* Equipment description and uses
* The Stance, The Swing, Aim, Grip, Ball Position, Body Alignment and Posture
站位, 揮桿, 描球, 握桿, 球位, 站姿位置
* Swing plane, Swing path, Clubface control
球桿軌道, 桿面控制
* The short game Putting, Chipping
短打, 推球, 切球
* Etiquette on the golf course
No. Of Classmates : 3 to 6 Classmates
小組上課人數 : 三至六人
Class Duration : 4 sessions each 60 minutes
上課時間 : 課程?期四堂, 每堂六十分鐘
4 x 60 mins.
Fee 小組費用 : HK$500.00 / Per Head (每人) (不包租場費)
Private Lesson 私人 : HK$400.00 / Per Hour (每小時)
Remarks : To take the best advantage of the program, students should practice by themselves in between the lessons. On completing the Beginner Session, students will be able to understand the basic swing from the short game to the long game
備 註 : 如學員想得到更佳效果, 應在課堂間進行練習, 而當課堂完結時, 學員將會明白到由短距離至長距離的基本揮桿技巧